Friday, November 5, 2010

Assyrian Massacre 31-10-10

As an Assyrian living in Diaspora, I was shocked and horrified to hear about my blood brothers in Iraq being murdered by cowards with my regard for human life. I have never been especially patriotic but this was not about patriotism, it was about decency and respect.

Al-Qaeda has claimed responsibility for this but I ask why? Why these people? What political gain is there killing these people? What did you Sons of Bitches achieve? How have the people you have killed stood in the way of your cause in the past? Pathetic cowards!

In the aftermath, I have been pondering about the Assyrian "politicians". Has anyone spoken up? Has anyone actually made any noise? In the days of Yasser Arafat, a Palestinian only needed to break a finger nail and Yasser Arafat would be on the news. Journalists from all over the world knew him and wanted his comment. His name was synonymous with the Palestinian cause. Like him or hate him, agree or disagree with his methods, he was the figurehead of the Palestinian people. Where is the Assyrian Yasser Arafat? Nelson Mandela was the figurehead of the black African struggle in South Africa. The world knew him and his cause.

We have many politicians but no leaders. They bicker about whether we are Assyrians, ChaldoAssyrians, Iraqi Christians, etc etc. Do they include left handed, vegetarian and gay Assyrians? While we bicker about nonsense like that, Assyrians (or ChaldoAssyrians, Mesopotamians, including left handed vegetarians) are being killed left right and centre.

Where are our leaders and politicians? Why don't you have a voice? A united voice? We can blame the media for not highlighting our plight and our cause, but in all honesty, why would they when our own leaders are silent statues? Who would the media interview?

Lets not make those deaths on 31st October 2010 just another statistic. Let this be the trigger for Assyrians around the world to begin mass action.

Khaya Atour!

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