The latest news is that I am back, living in Australia. Coco Juku, even after I left the company made life hell for me. This is the same company that I used to defend. A cruel lesson.
At the time that I left Coco Juku, I had 9 days of paid holidays outstanding that I was trying to claim. There was also roughly 3 months remaining on my contract which I was trying to claim. Coco Juku refused to pay me my paid holidays. They also refused to pay me out my contract because they claimed that I voluntarily resigned, even though they bullied me out of a job and forced me to resign.
Either way, I needed paperwork from the company in order to take to HELLO WORK. They would not even give me the paperwork until 4 months after I had left the company. Their reason? They wanted me to sign the following document which can be found here. The document (which is really a bribe appears below:
合 意 書
Nichii Gakkan Union (hereinafter called “the Union ”), Banipal Pera (hereinafter called “Mr. Pera”), and Nichii Gakkan Company (hereinafter called “the Company”) made and enter into this agreement as a result of various problems concerning Mr. Pera’s employment contract (hereinafter called “the matter”). The description is as follows:
第1条 組合及びペラ氏と会社は、平成26年9月24日付でペラ氏が会社との雇用契約を終了したことを確認する。
Article 1 The Union , Mr. Pera, and the Company confirm that Mr. Pera’s current employment contract terminated on September 24, 2014.
第2条 会社は、ペラ氏に対し、本件の解決金として金180,000円を支払う。
Article 2 The company shall pay Mr. Pera 180,000yen, and the matter will be considered solved.
第3条 会社は、本合意書をペラ氏から受領後、14日以内に前条の解決金をペラ氏の以下の口座に振り込む方法で支払う。なお、振込手数料は会社の負担とする。
銀行 支店 普通預金 口座番号:
Article 3 The company shall pay the sum of money stated above into the following bank account belonging to Mr. Pera, within 14 days after they make and enter into this agreement. Furthermore, the company shall be liable for the cost of the bank transfer.
Bank, Branch Office, saving account
Account No.:
Account holder’s name:
第4条 組合及びペラ氏と会社は、各当事者間(会社に所属する、あるいは過去に所属していた従業員を含む)において相手方を誹謗中傷する行為を今後一切行わないことを確認する。また、ペラ氏は、現在ペラ氏が管理・掲載する会社についてのオンライン記事を削除することに合意する。
Article 4 The Union, Mr. Pera, and The Company shall affirm that they will not slander or defame each other
in any way presently or in the future. This includes past and/or present employees belonging to the
Company. Also, Mr. Pera shall agree to remove his current online content about the Company or its
past/present employees.
第5条 組合及びペラ氏と会社は、本合意書に定める他、事由名目の如何にかかわらず、一切の債権債務が存在せず、今後一切争わないことを確認する。
Article 5 The Union , Mr. Pera, and the Company shall affirm that there are no debts or credits among them
regardless of any name or reason, and that they will not claim or take any action against the Company by trial or otherwise.
第6条 組合及びペラ氏と会社は、本件ならびに本合意書の内容について、第三者に公表しないことを確認する。
Article 6 The Union , Mr. Pera, and the Company shall affirm that they will not make public the contents of
this agreement after they make and enter into this agreement.
平成 年 月 日
(Month) (Day), (Year)
委員長 山本千恵子 ㊞
(Union ) Nichii Gakkan Union
Chieko Yamamoto
(Mr. Pera)
事業統轄本部 教育事業本部
本部長代理 遠藤みち子 ㊞
(Company) Nichii Gakkan Company
Education Business Headquarters
Michiko Endo
Acting General Manager
You have read this right. they wanted to bribe me a mere 180,000 yen. All the pain and suffering, not to mention 3 months salary denied to me as well as 9 days paid holidays and they wanted to bribe me a small amount of 180,000. How shameful is this company?
Just for the record, I did not accept this money. 180,000 to keep my mouth shut? You have to be kidding me!
So off to HELLO WORK I went when they finally gave me the paperwork and there were yet more dramas.
The rules for making claims at HELLO WORK are that if you resigned, you must wait 3 month and if you were sacked or found yourself unemployed due to a bankruptcy, you wait for 1 week.
According to the paperwork that Coco Juku sent me (4 months after I had stopped working for them), I had voluntarily resigned, even though that was utter nonsense. HELLO WORK then asked me for proof that I was in fact bullied and harrassed. Despite all the emails and other paperwork between myself and the company, the only "proof" they accepted was the document above. It was clear that Coco Juku wanted to bribe me into not saying anything and that was enough proof for them to start paying my allowance.
A mini victory for me against Nichii Gakkan where they wanted to wait 4 months till they gave me paperwork that I was entitled to, and then wait an extra 3 months before I can receive an allowance.
To anyone reading this who is considering working for this company. DON'T! They will promise you the earth and yet put you through hell.
I have been back in Australia for 3 months now and although I was sad to leave Japan, I am happy to be back. I work in a company where people are accountable for their actions and bullying is not tolerated.
I look forward to threatening messages from Nichii Gakkan. They could have paid me a lot more to keep my mouth shut (like the money they owe me) but they chose not to. Keep bleeding money Coco Juku. Nobody will defend you. You had one loyal staff member and you put him through hell!
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